Wednesday 25 September 2013

Libel indemnity 'unlawful'

Carmarthenshire Council's Appointed Auditor, Anthony Barrett, has told the council he is of the view that the indemnity granted to the Chief Executive of Carmarthenshire Council, Mark James was unlawful. The indemnity was granted to bring a counter-claim for libel against me at a meeting of the Executive Board on the 23rd January 2012.

The BBC has published an article on the subject today; Carmarthenshire blogger row; Council libel costs pledge unlawful.

Rhodri Glyn Thomas, my local Plaid Cymru AM issued this statement this afternoon;

“Carmarthenshire residents will quite rightly be deeply concerned by the findings of the appointed auditor in that he considers two financial transactions by the County Council to be unlawful.

“For over three years Jonathan Edwards MP and I have raised our concern that taxpayers’ money was being used to indemnify the costs of the Chief Executive’s legal action.

“As a result, Carmarthenshire County Council’s Chief Executive has been the subject of questions to the First Minister of Wales and the UK Secretary of State for Local Government.

“The report’s findings in respect of two unlawful transactions justify the efforts that both Jonathan Edwards and I, as elected representatives, have put into this matter.  The conclusion of the auditor in respect of the indemnity vindicates our position over the last three years.

“The report is exceptionally damaging for the reputation of Carmarthenshire and I am firmly of the opinion that officials and elected members of the council’s Executive must be held accountable for their actions.”

The Appointed Auditor also found another spending decision unlawful. This related to a council payment of £16,353 in lieu of pension contributions to Mr James.

The council are of the opinion that both payments were lawful.

The @SWGuardian has also, this evening, published an article concerning the two unlawful payments.


Anonymous said...

County Councillors you work for us! The electorates patience is now threadbare.

Anonymous said...

"The council are of the opinion that both payments were lawful." The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all. Mark Twain

Heres wishing you the best of luck with the hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice on the 16th December 2013.

Anonymous said...

"The conclusion of the auditor in respect of the indemnity vindicates our position over the last three years." The AM and MP are not the only ones that the auditor's conclusion should vindicate!

Aunt Sally said...

It's all starting to unravel..good luck Jackie