Wednesday 19 January 2011

Cosy Chat?

Following on from Sainsburys, Llandeilo...and the New School Site , I had a response today to my Freedom of Information request for the Council's 'brief' to the consultants to select a suitable site for the new school. Given the local controversy over the selected site (at Ffairfach) many have been wondering about the whole process;

Here's the FoI response;
"I can confirm that no written instruction or brief was given, sent or otherwise provided to Atkins regarding the siting/selection of a new school site. As such, no such letter (or email) exists. Instructions were communicated verbally at meetings, however, these were not recorded or minuted"

and in full here;
and the costs, so far, are here;

I find it quite unbelievable that Council bosses gave no formal written instruction, and that the direction this whole expensive and important exercise took, was dependent upon a few cosy chats behind closed doors. I should expect this by now though shouldn't I?

To clarify, I hold the Council responsible for ensuring transparency in such matters, not Atkins.

Previous posts include;
Pantecelyn and Tregib Superschool Design - Already?
Pantecelyn and Tregib School Merger - New Site

Later post 22nd Jan;  Cosy Chat? (part 2)

Also here;

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