Wednesday 16 February 2011

Is Pantecelyn School Now 'Sustainable'?

Campaigners trying to save Pantecelyn secondary school, Llandovery from closure are a little puzzled over Education Minister, Leighton Andrews announcement to reduce the range of A level subjects. This is not because of the idea itself (which is good or bad depending on your view of the purpose of education), but because the alleged inability of the school to meet previous decrees from the Assembly that at least 30 subjects should be offered, was a very large factor in the Council's argument for closure. Does this mean that Pantecelyn is now 'sustainable'?
Also here;

I was also surprised that a Community Impact Assessment has not been carried out yet, given the grave effect the closure of the school will have on the town of Llandovery. I would have thought this would be obligatory when the proposal was first mooted. I imagine that the eventual assessment will be slanted towards the Council's own agenda over closure, and long after the will to object to the inevitable has passed.

Further posts about Pantecelyn School can be searched for on this blog.

Later post;

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