Thursday 17 March 2011

Carmarthenshire Council's Fat Cats 2011

The Taxpayer's Alliance has, for our convenience, published it's annual Town Hall Rich List for 2009/2010, I should imagine there will be a few blogs up and down the country sporting similar images as the one on the right, and not without good reason, Council's are only required to name those with the highest salaries. For staff earning over £60,000 there is a head count, this rose from 116 in 2008/9 to 135 2009/10. In the higher end of this scale, (£90,000 to £119,000) despite the apparently dire financial climate and public services and low paid workers facing the axe, the number of senior managers rose from 23 to 27. So much for 'efficiency savings in senior management'.

The highest paid (including pensions);
Mark James, Chief Executive - £188,018 (includes expenses etc but not his fees as Returning Officer for elections, ie. announcing the result)
Dave Gilbert, Director of Regeneration & Leisure - £147,637
Richard Workman, Director of Technical Services - £135,451
Bruce McLernon, Director of Social Care, health and Housing - £135,189
Roger Jones, Director of Resources - £135,219 
Robert Sully, Director of Education and Children's Services - £135,333

These figures do not include other fees and expense allowances  which may or may not be registered somewhere in the dusty basements of County Hall, or maybe even in the 'nuclear bunker' (anyone remember that? built without planning permission in 1986 which then had to be granted 'retrospectively'...I digress)
Sadly, unlike with private companies, we do not have the option of taking our custom elsewhere.  

At the other end of the scale is Anne Dawson, the school cook from Llanelli, forced to retire early, and, after three years is still fighting a claim for equal pay...I can't see our fat cats having problems like that can you?

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