Thursday 24 March 2011

Wales Audit Office Whitewash

Well, as promised the ex-chief officer of the Wales Audit Office, Anthony Snow was brought before the Assembly Public Accounts Committee yesterday as part of the investigation into the financial peculiarities of the WAO.
If the exercise was about drawing a line under the alleged 'discrepancies' unearthed since the departure of Jeremy Coleman, it merely raised more questions, questions which will remain unanswered as it became apparent that nothing was ever written down. The relaxed Mr Snow clearly knew he would have nothing to fear and despite attempts by some AM's to prod, albeit mildly, a little deeper, into matters such as why expensive 'coaching sessions' were held regularly at a private London club, he deflected all with the skill of an experienced politician.
If the WAG Public Accounts Committee is the last resort for such investigations it is obvious that the public purse is no more protected by them than it is by the Wales Audit Office.

The Inside Out blog puts it rather well here

1 comment:

  1. Snow by name and white as snow is the whitewash laid on thickly by WAG - the 'whitewashers in chief'.

    It reminded me of days long ago and a little puppet called Andy Pandy. Children were asked 'Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...Once upon a time...'
