Tuesday 5 April 2011

Coedbach Biomass Appeal Withdrawn

I hear this morning that the appeal against the refusal for the Coedbach Biomass power plant near Kidwelly due to start in June  has been withdrawn, I am not sure why, but I understand Clive Hughes, the developer, hopes to fight another day, perhaps after a much needed regime change at Carmarthenshire Council. As I have said before, I am not directly affected and my main concern has, (if you search this blog) been the strange circumstances surrounding the planning process. I also believe there has been much disinformation put out about this proposal, which would have seen a very clean, state of the art, renewable source of power and heat for the local area. Whatever your view, this is less a victory for those opposed to the scheme than it is for the inconsistency of Carmarthenshire's planning system.

On an entirely unrelated note, do you realise you will now have to pay to park in Carmarthen town's council run car parks on Sundays? This was brought in so that the Council is 'in line with' the new St Catherine's Walk multi-storey car park or, to put it another way, to recoup the £200k a year losses to the council predicted  from said multi-storey which formed part of this development put forward by the council in the first place.

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