Sunday 3 July 2011

Some Local News

Back briefly to some local news. Firstly, of local interest is that the planning application for a Sainsbury's supermarket, Llandeilo was submitted on Wednesday, I am particularly interested as to how the site was considered completely unsuitable for the new 'superschool' to replace Pantecelyn and Tregib, and to now observe how those obstacles will be overcome for a supermarket. I also wonder how the common practice of 'planning gain' particularly by large supermarkets (large donations or 'sweetners' to community projects etc as part of the planning decision process) will be viewed in light of the new Bribery Act.

The fight to save Pantecelyn School from closure by Carmarthenshire Council goes on. The Council's consultation period is over, many objections have been made and now in true Carmarthenshire style, I guess it's time for the Education Department to get the proverbial shredder out. The campaigners are still considering a Judicial Review which will hopefully be brought when a final decision is made. (many previous posts on this issue)

I also notice the Council, on it's website, is asking for suggestions for the 'Forward Work Programme' for Scrutiny Committees. I cannot imagine they're expecting much of a response so why not surprise them and get suggesting - there are a few things I would like scrutinised but I guess this is more on the lines of 'Review of Public Conveniences' as last year, rather than anything remotely controversial.

And lastly, a tale of a talking 'tombstone' from Llandovery - who's idea was that!? (have a guess)


  1. Section 106 agreements (Planning gain) are nothing more than legalised bungs. The only difference is that the council get them to spend on their pet projects rather than an envelope stuffed with cash given to an individual planning officer.The richer the developer the higher the chance of securing planning permission. Whilst currently legal it cannot be fair and is no way to get extra cash into local government.

  2. Great article as always. Thank you for putting Save Ysgol Pantycelyn Action Group in this article as it needs to be highlighted! The battle has not been lost and continues.
    "Talking tombstone" - such nonsense and prime example of tax payers money being thrown down the pavement!
