Tuesday 27 September 2011

Democracy in Action

Well, I was very pleased with the Petition Committee's response to my petitions. (Filming meetings and publishing spending details over £500) Further evidence has been sought for both from the Minister for Local Government, Carl Sargeant which will be available by the 3rd November.
The Committee members recognised the significance of both petitions to bring further transparency and openness to local government and, if nothing else were considered 'sensible'. Good!
The Chairman stated that he had supported the Statement of Opinion previously signed by 15 Assembly members regarding filming. The success of Senedd TV in promoting accessibility and transparency of Assembly business could be mirrored accross Wales. Importantly the issue of free re-use of the material was recognised in bringing proceedings to a wider audience.
It was also recognised that the two petitions complemented each other; not only would people be aware of what is being spent but would also be able to see local authorities spending it (to a degree).
And the benefits of livestreaming? - I didn't have to go to Cardiff, I didn't have to wait two weeks for the 'minutes' and I could sit here with my coffee and watch democracy in action! Later on the meeting will be archived and I will be free to embed the video on my blog - which I will do.
Can't be bad.
I look forward, with slightly more optimism, as to how this will progress.

Here's the Meeting, my petitions start at 6 minutes 35 seconds into the proceedings;
or just click on the picture above.

(Have just done brief interview with Radio Carmarthenshire, to be broadcast (perhaps) at 1pm)

September 28th Carmarthen Journal; Council film plea debate

1 comment:

  1. Good news at last. What really shows Carmarthenshire County Council in a dreadful light as I sit writing this is the picture of the Senedd committee room above and the picture of you being arrested to the right. Two different planets, it seems.

    Congratulations on getting this far. What you have done is a great service to the cause of local democracy.
