Saturday 1 October 2011

Filming meetings - A ray of hope from Pembrokeshire?

Have just noticed this rather positive article from today's Western Telegraph, fingers crossed that these discussions over the county border will prove fruitful! Hopefully the next door neighbours, Carmarthenshire Council will take note;

Pembrokeshire County Council will discuss future filming of meetings 

"Members of the public could be allowed to film County Council meetings in the future.
Proposals to allow filming by the public, or to introduce web cams to the council chamber will be discussed as part of Pembrokeshire County Council’s new constitution.
Councillor David Howlett had submitted a notice of motion to the Corporate Governance Committee that;

“members of the public be allowed to film public council meetings as long as they do not impede or obstruct proceedings”.

In June, a member of the public was arrested for filming a Carmarthenshire Council meeting on her mobile phone.

Cllr Howlett said that allowing the public to film meetings would add “confidence, transparency and openness” as the council “moved with the times.”

Council leader, Councillor John Davies, agreed that it was reflection of the changes in how people communicate.
He agreed that the matter be further discussed as part of constitutional changes with a “positive marker at this point that we accept the principle of what the notice of motion intends to achieve”.

(Source; Western Telegraph)

I am trying to monitor developments regarding the filming of meetings from around the 22 Welsh local authorities as well as the National Parks and would be grateful if any sharp-eyed, agenda- reading observers could let me know of any progress in their area - in case I miss it.

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