Wednesday 5 October 2011

Oh the Irony

Further to last week's post about my petitions at the Welsh Assembly, there is an article in today's Carmarthen Journal. I am very pleased to see that the irony has not been lost on them!

'Web petition handover is shown online

IT was not without a sense of irony that Jacqui Thompson watched her petition being handed into the Welsh Assembly live on the internet last week.
She was watching a live web-cast of a meeting of the Welsh Assembly's petitions panel.
Mrs Thompson, from Llanwrda, handed over a 233-name document calling for Carmarthenshire Council to record and broadcast its own meetings — the very system with which she watched the action in Cardiff Bay.
She said: "I was quite pleased with the reaction it received from the people on the committee.
"I had the pleasure of watching it on the web, broadcast on their website. They seem to do most of their meetings like that."
She said the petition would now be passed on to Minister Carl Sargeant with a recommendation from the committee.
Mrs Thompson added: "Carl Sargeant has previously said these things are up to the councils themselves. I am hoping now he'll say something more positive."
The petition was started after Mrs Thompson was refused the right to film meetings of Carmarthenshire Council and its planning committee.
In June, she was arrested and led away in handcuffs after refusing to stop filming a meeting. She was later released without being charged. The council has always said filming and recording meetings is prohibited'
Carmarthen Journal 5th October

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