Tuesday 15 November 2011

I Have Issued Proceedings for Libel

For information;
I have now issued proceedings in the High Court for libel against Chief Executive Mark James and Carmarthenshire County Council in relation to a letter published by Mark James dated 28th July 2011.


  1. and on that bombshell ... blimey, watch this space, then!

  2. I know many people will join me in supporting you in taking this step, and I know it is not something you are doing lightly. The next few months will probably be stressful ones, and I don't envy you.

    What I have come to see over the last year or so is that you are quietly determined and brave, and I know that you take great care in your research to check and verify as much as is humanly possible.

    A deserved winner of the Blog Awards, and if there is any justice, a deserving winner in this case.

    Good luck.

  3. Also receive my wholehearted support.

  4. There are lots of us in London, including Mrs Angry of course, who read your blog and wish you well.

    (Mrs Angry would like to lock up the whole of Barnet Council, but that's another story.)

  5. Well done and good luck.
    Carmarthenshire is badly in need of being taken to task over many many of their actions.

  6. Well done! Good luck - I'm sure the vast majority of people in Carmarthenshire will be supporting you. I do so hope you succeed.

  7. I sincerely hope this will all be resolved fairly and soon.It neednt have come to this of course but you tried your best.You have my continued support.

  8. You will not have made this decision without proper legal advice and with a great deal of thought, so I wish you well.

  9. I'm 100% behind you Jacqui, chwarae teg ;-)

  10. Good luck and keep us posted.

  11. just to get fair and honest treatment from carmarthen council and planning dept is very difficult i wish you all the success that you truly deserve.

  12. Good luck. I wish you well.
    Make sure that you have plenty of supporters with you.
    These are dangerous and "affected" people who think that they are beyond reproach.
    You will have learnt by now that they will protect each at whatever consequences to others.!
    Witnesses in any Court is essential as soon as you have a date please circulate.
    I will gladly come and support you.

  13. With you all the way, good luck xXx
