Wednesday 18 January 2012

Cast your vote on webcasting Carmarthenshire council meetings

Please go over to Dyfrig Thomas' blog and cast your vote on whether Carmarthenshire Council should webcast it's meetings - I think it is essential and will be money well spent - so please vote YES! Dyfrig is a Plaid Cymru County Councillor based in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire.

Vote on webcasting council meetings - please follow the links

I, of course believe that members of the public, bloggers etc should be able to make their own recordings, unhindered. Please remember, that despite their many statements and 'undertakings' etc to the contrary, Carmarthenshire Council does not have any specific rules against it, and never has....yet.
Please leave your views on the comment section of this blogpost. Thanks.

And a reminder that my Assembly petitions will be considered again next Tuesday (24th) by the Petitions Committee and the Minister, Carl Sargeant, at the Senedd, (update 24th - Carl Sargeant unable to attend meeting so consideration postponed until near future, hopefully not long)

 Dyfrig Thomas has also provided some additional information on webcasting here


  1. Currently the council newspaper, the 'Carmarthenshire News' costs £138,000 per year. Nearly all the advertising revenue which supposedly 'offsets' the cost comes from within the council itself and other public bodies such as the police and Coleg Sirgar. It is considered, by many, including me, to be a complete waste of money.
    There is also a considerable spend on PR, £113,000 last year.
    So, £15,000 a year to webcast meetings? - a bargain

  2. Seems that CCC now have an online poll to see if you would watch their meetings on line.
    Unfortunately I have not been able to vote Yes due to Error 401 Unauthorised access.
    Maybe I can vote No without any problem - but not going to try.
