Friday 3 February 2012

Notice; Libel case

As I have been the subject of considerable speculation this week I would like to clarify my position by referring readers to this article in today's Western Mail which includes a statement by Carmarthenshire County Council and confirmation that the Chief Executive has brough a counterclaim for libel against me;

and BBC Wales Online; Carmarthenshire Council funds Mark James libel fight with blogger 

and two articles from the South Wales Evening Post;

Council pays for legal battle

Previous post on this matter here

As this is the subject of court proceedings I cannot comment further.

Comments on this post will be strictly moderated.

1 comment:

  1. If you are a tax payer, and the County Council are using tax payers money in legal proceedings against you, then technically you are paying for their counter claim against you. Are they allowed to do ths?
