Tuesday 10 July 2012

Volunteers needed - Council accounts inspection time!

Just had an email from the Department of Money at the Council letting me know that the period for the public inspection of the accounts is from the 16th July to the 10th August this year - as this only usually coincides with the appearance of Halley's Comet, I suggest those of you with an interest book your slot now! As usual there is precious little notice, nothing on the website yet of course, and naturally nothing under 'Public Notices'. I also wonder if they've recently bought a job lot of black ink for the occasion. We'll see.

Caebrwyn is compiling her 'application to the Director of Resources' as we speak......

Here's the Notice to be published;

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 30 and 31 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2005 that:

(1) From 16th July 2012 to the 10th August 2012 inclusive between the hours of 9.15 a.m. and 4 p.m. (Monday to Friday) any person interested on application to the Director of Resources, Carmarthenshire County Council, County Hall, Carmarthen, SA31 1JP may inspect, and make copies of the accounts of the above named Council for the year ended 31st March 2012 and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts relating thereto.

(2) On or after the 13th August 2012 until the conclusion of the Audit, the Appointed Auditor, Wales Audit Office, County Hall, Carmarthen, SA31 1JP at the request of any local government elector for the area to which the accounts relate, will give the elector or his or her representative an opportunity to question him about the accounts, and any such elector or his or her representative may attend before the Auditor to make objections:

(a) as to any matter in respect of which the auditor could take action under section 32 of the Act or
(b) as to any other matter in respect of which the Auditor could make a report in the public interest under section 22 of the Act.

(3) No objection may be made unless the Auditor has previously received written notice of the objection and the grounds on which it is to be made, and that a copy of such notice is sent to the body whose accounts are the subject of the audit.

Dated 13th June 2012
County Hall, Carmarthen, SA31 1JP Tel (01267) 224886


  1. This will be a wretched task. One of Carmarthenshire Ratepayers' Association inspected the accounts one year - and the (smirking) staff presented him with a roomful of papers. However CRA had the last laugh - except it wasn't funny - by picking up and getting an article in the local press that £200K per year was being pumped into the council-owned golf club. Many years on, still is I think - although did I read CCC are flogging it off? I would suggest that totals for external consultancy would be worth a shufti. Legal expenses too of course - with particular attention to any external costs within these. Entertainment. Conferences. Also payments made to the white elephants for the use of their facilities for everything - conferences, award events, all that kind of stuff. Maybe requested in advance of the visit.

  2. Thanks Tessa - are you volunteering?!
    Yes I will be requesting specific areas. The Garnant golf club was sold off - 20 tenders were rejected and they picked the one which involved CCC subsidising it to the tune of £180k over the next three years. Senseless.

  3. I'm sharpening my pencil. Do I need half moon specs?

  4. Cripes - alright then - I'll see if I can dig out a suit and nylons - I'm such a smelly old hillbilly these days. And if I'm doing the task, I wanna look the part. Hell - I'll dust off and bring me briefcase too! Do we need to synchronise diaries?

  5. Well done to all those who plan to inspect the Authority's Accounts!! If this is your first time, the following website might be of interest to you:-


