Tuesday 7 August 2012

Carmarthenshire Council in Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs again!

Carmarthenshire Council have made it into Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs yet again for the 5th time (or 6th? could be more, I've lost count) since last June, this latest honour has been earned for their recent attempts to control the editorial content of the local paper and the creative accounting of the council rag;

Don't forget to buy your copy, generally available tomorrow!


  1. The magazine certainly makes it out to the wild sof Wales pretty fast!

    Your twins at Barnet don't like to be left out as we are in it also.

    New friends at CWAC seem to be in the running for many mentions.

  2. The cost also includes the cost of employment of journalists. I gather that although CCC has 4 full time hacks the "news" officially only takes up one full time equivalent post so the other 3 have time for the extensive rebuttal duties and the tedious task of writing the leader's exciting public ramblings?

  3. @Mr Mustard Yes indeed, and amazing how it got here so fast ;)

    @Anon yes and I expect some unfortunate soul is sent out for a copy of Private Eye every other Wednesday, unless they subscribe of course...

  4. HI Jacqui, I read the article in Private Eye this last weekend, I think your name has cropped up in comment on my web site.

    I'm sorry to read that Carmarthenshire are like many councils hostile to those they serve.

    I recently found myself in situation with Thanet District council, in which once again I was challenged for using a mobile, for taking notes, despite having sought confirmation with the councils senior legal bod that using a phone for blogging and other social media, was acceptable I was put in a situation where rather than loose my temper I had to leave a council meeting.

    I'm sorry to see my local council isnt alone in its hostility to the public and democracy.

    I'll give you posting a mention.

  5. Thanks Tony, yes it's sad how some councils behave like a private club. Scrutiny from the public is not only unwelcome but here in Carmarthenshire, positively discouraged, We now have a bizarre entry ritual to get through to even sit in the public gallery, (previous posts). Dreadful. Keep up the good work. Jacqui

  6. LOL - here we go again! Its not funny, but heck - you have to laugh at the ridiculousness of it, don't you?
