Wednesday 29 August 2012

Wales Blog Awards 2012 Shortlist

I am very pleased to say that this blog has made it to the Wales Blog Awards shortlist for the third year running. As winner of best political blog 2011, it is in the same category again for 2012. Thank you to whoever nominated me.

I'm in very fine company with fellow Carmarthenshire blogger, Y Cneifiwr and Bridgend based Oggy Bloggy Ogwr also in the running.

Very best of luck to everyone.

There is a People's Choice award too, click here to cast your vote. closing date is the 14th Spetember.

PS I've thoroughly enjoyed my prize of a year's subscription to Private Eye, which has had the added bonus of featuring Carmarthenshire Council several times.

Me - 2011 best political blog


  1. This sort of thing must drive them bonkers in County Hall. I can just see the staff in Press and FOI Depts banging heads on desks in desperation !! Arghhhhh !!!!

  2. Well done and best wishes.
