Monday 3 September 2012

Another edited letter

More strange editorial goings-on at the Carmarthen Journal where a letter from local Media consultant (and blogger) Robert Lloyd was, er, shortened. 
It should come as no surprise that the letter referred to the Council and the recent row over the creative accounting of the council rag, the Carmarthenshire News. 

By the way, Mr Lloyd was a previous editor of the Journal and he used to print my letters, in full.

......and here's the full version;

Please have a look, the situation is getting ridiculous.

1 comment:

  1. I've finally got round to cancelling my order for the boring rag that is the CJ. I may get the Llanelli Star, though - isn't that supposed to be a little less subservient to the Council? Also - I wonder how many residents read the Carmarthenshire News? I was one of many in Kidwelly who put my bins out the Sunday before the last bank holiday Monday. I think the readers of aforementioned must have been those who put their bins out the following (and seemingly correct) night.
