Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

A Happy New Year to you all and many thinks for visiting the blog. Looking forward to the new term at the Towy Kremlin and an action packed year of decisive democracy, complete accountability and such brilliant rays of transparency I'll have to wear sunglasses in the public gallery. Not.

My review of the year was a brief rap sheet only touching on a fraction of the past events. Cneifiwr has a far more comprehensive two part account and the South Wales Guardian, bless it, stands alone amongst the local press for including the slightly less than complimentary tales from County Hall in its reflections on 2013....

I'm sure there was disappointment, even puzzlement, amongst council worthies that there were no gongs to be had this New Year; never mind. The council's repeated confirmation as a Rotten Borough and a Private Eye award to boot should help fill the presidential mantelpiece and provide sufficient corporate consolation for one year. The bloggers will be looking forward to the announcement of this prestigious award at January's full council meeting. They've even won Caebrwyn's top blogpost for December for 'Council email reveals truth behind blacklisting of South Wales Guardian', 2500 hits and rising. Will the new term see some sort of investigation into the council's attitude to the local press? It's about time don't you think?

With the unelected still in firm control over the eleced, the political facade of Carmarthenshire Council has rumbled on over the festivities, the Llanelli Star reports that there's been a 'defection' from the Labour group, and sources inform me that Cllr Theressa Bowen, elected in May, may have gone the whole hog and joined Meryl's gang on the Independent benches - seating arrangements at the next council meeting will be interesting.
Plaid Cllr Alun Lenny has given the Labour leadership a roasting in the letters page of today's Western Mail over their rejection of the Living Wage, (County's wage shame) and called into question the principles of a labour leader who can ignore a union picket and accuse Plaid of 'playing politics' for supporting an end to poverty wages.

2013 will be a very interesting year I'm sure.

Happy New Year

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year!

    Looking forward to hearing more about the follies and fancies of Pyongyang-On-The-Towy.
