Thursday 21 February 2013

A Message of Thanks

The libel case concluded yesterday after a six day trial at the high court in London and the judgement was reserved until a later date. I hope readers understand that I cannot comment. However I would like to express my very grateful thanks to my legal team from Simons, Muirhead and Burton and Christina Michalos from 5RB.

I would also like to thank those who went out of their way to support me in court, and of course those who tweeted from the public gallery including Mrs Angry, Cneifiwr, Heather Brooke and David Allen Green.

My sincere thanks also goes to all those who have sent messages of support to me through Twitter and email, there are far too many for me to respond to individually but every one is very much appreciated. It has been overwhelming and humbling, thank you.

Normal blogging will resume as soon as possible.


  1. I was listening to the news on R4 this morning after 8am and who should I hear being interviewed? It certainly was an interesting item!

  2. Well done Jacqui - its been enourmously exciting following the case from my PC (and yes a very big thankyou to Mrs Angry and Cneifiwr for their most excellent posts and tweets on this which I have read avidly). You have acted with great courage and dignity.
    A true David vs Goliath story. Fingers crossed for the outcome. Look forward to seeing more posts from you soon.

  3. Well done for your calm and reasoned approach on the Today programme this morning.

    I'm looking forward to your report on next week's budget meeting.

  4. I'm going to reserve comment until there's been a judgement, but fingers crossed you get the outcome you want.

    This must've been a very trying time for you and your family, but you've approached this with such dignity and bravery. Regardless of what happens, you've been an inspiration.

    I just hope this translates into meaningful change.

  5. I was unaware of the events until Heather Brookes tweeted from Court.

    I wish you well and hope that both common sense and justice prevail. I do not want to live in a society where citizens are forbidden to exercise rights to hold those in power to account. Do take care...

  6. You are so worthy of this support. Best wishes for a positive outcome! x

  7. Jacqui is the type of person we desperately need as a County Councillor in Carmarthen. Someone who will stand up for what is right. We must vote in people like her next time. Good Luck!

  8. Well done on your performance in court. It's not easy under fire from fairly forensic questioning. But well done.
