Friday 6 September 2013

Libel case - Permission to Appeal decision

I have been granted permission to appeal on one ground relating to Mark James’ counterclaim, and my legal team have now filed a request with the Court of Appeal for an oral hearing at which I will renew my application for permission on other grounds relating to both my claim and the counterclaim.

I am awaiting confirmation and a date for that oral hearing from the Court of Appeal.

William McCormick QC will appear on my behalf.


17th September;

The hearing date has now been listed for the 16th December 2013 at the Royal Courts of Justice.


  1. Absolutely bloody FANTASTIC news! Chuffed to bits for you!

  2. That's one small step for you Jacqui but one giant leap for democracy! Heres wishing you all the very best and every success with the Court of Appeal.

  3. Wishing you all the best Jacqui...

    I will make myself available to the court if needed...

  4. Good luck in December Jacqui. I hope that you have a successful outcome. You have really stood up to the council on your own.
