Monday 4 November 2013

Calling all Carmarthenshire businesses!

There continues to be some curiosity as to how the council's favourite rugby club have managed to advertise for jobs on the publicly funded council website. Have we all missed something here? Are all Carmarthenshire businesses entitled to do this? Are the local papers, mindful of their advertising revenue, aware of this arrangement?

The heading, 'vacancies at Parc Y Scarlets' is somewhat misleading, the five posts are with Scarlets Regional Ltd, not the council, so have they paid for the advertisements? If they have, then what's the going rate, why is this service not advertised? If it's for free, and given that they are the only private company to appear in the 'jobs' section, then what's the deal? Perhaps it was some unwritten clause of the recently renewed financial bailout....


  1. Subsidies all round! Two of the jobs advertised are under the Jobs Growth Scheme for people aged 16-24 - employers can claim the equivalent of the minimum wage plus national insurance back from the Govt.

  2. Thank you @Cneifwr.

    Whilst on the subject of jobs, it would seem that the council legal department will be spared any cutbacks as they are advertising for another solicitor at £40k pa...The legal department must be very busy...

  3. Doesn't this advertisement breach the Governments Publicity Code?

    In respect of CCC's proposition to reduce Carmarthenshire News to quarterly, you might want to note that, "The Code was revised in 2011 to crack down on aggressive council papers, stipulating that local councils should not publish newspapers in direct competition to the local press, these should not appear more frequently than quarterly and should only include material directly related to local services."
