Monday 20 October 2014

Wild west newsround

Further to the deal made at last week's meeting of Pembrokeshire Council to award chief exec Bryn Parry Jones a £332,000 pay-off, the Wales Audit Office are now examining the details. The BBC reports on the matter here .
Pembs councillor Jacob Williams published the eye-watering figures on his website, which can be found here
Interestingly the package included £16k compensation for 'breach of contract' as the council did not pay the pension payments after the policy was stopped in January. This followed the WAO report which deemed them unlawful, and also applied to Carmarthenshire of course.
(Update Tuesday; Pembs Unison reaction here and Pembs Cllrs explain themselves here)

Further speculation continues in Carmarthenshire. Plaid AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas has already stated that Mark James should not receive another penny when he quits, whilst Cneifiwr reports that veteran indies remain under his spell, well one of them at least.

Over three hundred members of the public have made their views very clear over on the petition - please sign if you haven't done so already. There is also a link to the petition on my earlier post here.

Wherever Mr James is going, and whatever he's going with, he'll also be taking £31,000, plus interest, secured on my home, which is not something I'm going to forget in a hurry..


  1. No one-but no one is worth that amount of money.It is immoral when so many people have suffered from his arrogance.That goes for every councillor who has followed in his flock of sheep. Shame on you all.

  2. When you are all on the gravy train, no-one wants to get off .....
