Thursday 4 December 2014

Budget cuts - Respite care for disabled children?

Update 9th December; There's been a reprieve. See;


Back in February's budget, a proposal to close one of the two council run respite centres for profoundly disabled children, Blaenau and Llys Caradog, was given a temporary reprieve after one of those last minute PR exercises from the executive board we see on an annual basis.

Predictably, and along with the school crossing patrols, day centre closures etc, the proposal is back on the agenda this year.

This is a vital, indispensable service providing brief respite for families, helping them stay together and providing invaluable support. They offer the children the chance to socialise and interact with others in a fully registered and regulated setting.

Last February campaigners launched a petition which had 2655 signatures, Mencap Cymru strongly opposed the closure, as would anyone with any sense of compassion and understanding.

The council hope to save £200,000 by closing one of the centres, slightly more than they have happily shelled out in unlawful payments and the defence thereof; rather less than they gave to one of their favoured private companies, Scarlets Regional Ltd, to pay off a third party loan to fit out a shop. At least we know where County Hall compassion and understanding truly lies.

The campaign has had to be launched again and a new petition has been set up here. Please sign.

"For many families with disabled children this service provides the only much needed break for families providing round the clock care for their child's additional needs.  This service provides social opportunities to children that may otherwise never have a "sleepover" or "tea at a friends house".  For parents and siblings it provides the opportunity to rest and recharge ready to provide care again. Please, please help to save this lifeline."

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