Wednesday 7 January 2015

Happy New Year, Mrs Thompson

As I said on this blog back in September, Carmarthenshire council chief executive Mark James was granted a Charging Order on my home for his libel damages arising from the unlawfully funded counterclaim. The charge is for £30k+.

The Order, as below, was sealed by the court at the end of November and Mr James' solicitors sent a copy to me today.

The letter accompanying the Order states "We invite your proposals for discharging the debt and wait to hear from you by no later than close of business on Friday 16th January 2015" 

The next stage of enforcement would be for Mr James to apply to the court to force sale.
He has already said, and I quote, he will "vigorously pursue the payment of damages due to me, by all legal means"


  1. The man is a parasite!

  2. If Mr. James does indeed force you to sell your home, the headlines in the press will be horrendous...

    "Council Chief takes home of respected blogger and critic after council illegally uses YOUR money to support a court case"...

  3. It's hard to understand how this man lives with himself -clearly devoid of morals and indeed conscience. Dreadful dishonest individual.
