Monday 23 February 2015

The Carmarthenshire Herald - Updated

Later post 6th March; The Carmarthenshire Herald - the first Edition


(Update below)

I received confirmation today that a Carmarthenshire version of the Pembrokeshire Herald will be launched next month. On Friday 6th March to be precise and the new 'Carmarthenshire Herald' will be available throughout the county.

Anyone who has followed the goings-on over the county border will be aware that the Pembs Herald has been impressive, and has certainly not held back, in it's reporting of council matters.

This is welcome news for Carmarthenshire, where the Herald will find plenty to fill its pages from our very own dysfunctional council.

I'm sure County Hall will be delighted...

Update 24th February;

The launch of the paper (which will also have a Llanelli edition) has been covered by the journalism website Hold The Front Page.
The Editor of the Herald, Thomas Sinclair said

 “Launching two brand new independent newspaper titles could be seen as a brave venture in this uncertain economic climate, but we at the Herald see a growing need for a county-wide voice for the people of Carmarthenshire.

“We will be launching these papers along the same principles which have made The Pembrokeshire Herald successful further west.

“We’re going to be an independent voice. Just like in Pembrokeshire, we’re not going to be relying on revenue from local authorities or any government sources.

“It’s again a return to good old fashioned journalism.”

Another article has appeared this evening on Press Gazette.

25th February; for Cneifiwr's take on this latest threat to the Mark James Media Empire click here

2nd March; Carmarthenshire Herald Facebook page is here and @carmsherald can also be found on Twitter.


  1. as long as they do not use the Pembs flag in their logo

  2. @Anon 22:31
    I agree. There is a Carmarthenshire flag which could be used.

  3. Surely, Mark James will want the veto on which flag is used!

  4. I wonder if Mr James has tried to invite the editor to one of his *special lunches* yet...

  5. This newspaper will be about as welcome as dog shit. I have no doubt that it has stirred things up in Pembs and will be welcome completion for the Journal. I wish it well.

  6. A chance of REAL jounalism in Carmarthen and just before the General Election - YES.

    Editor: Beware those bearing gifts and don't expect to get CCC advertising revenue if you do your job right!

  7. We are open to suggestions for a flag for both the Carmarthenshire Herald and the Llanelli Herald.

    The flag on our mock-up logo is the flag of St.David, not the Pembrokeshire Flag?

    We were understanding that that is the flag used for Carmarthenshire. Does anyone know otherwise?

  8. @Thomas Sinclair - Editor

    Thanks for your comment and the news that there'll be a Llanelli Herald as well as a Carmarthenshire Herald!

    Hopefully constructive suggestions will be made for the flag on the logo. I'm all flagged out this week!

  9. This is such good news: at last, an independent voice for Carmarthenshire. Welcome Carmarthenshire Herald and the very best of luck.

  10. This is good news.

    Will it be covering the whole of Carmarthenshire: from Cenarth to Cefnbrynbrain, from Cynghordy to Cydweli, and everything in between?

  11. the flag of St David is fine for a logo.
    Pob lwc.

  12. Bayer Dewi Sant yn ddigon da i mi!St David's flag is good for me. I just hope at last that we have a paper that will not kow tow to the economic pressure that will be put on it by a council which fears any kind of public scrutiny. Come on Herald - show the Journal what journalism actually means!!!! Ymlaen yr Herald!! Phil Edwards
