Friday 8 May 2015

Election Results for Carmarthenshire 2015

After what seemed to be the most frenzied campaigning in living memory there's no change in this corner of Wales. Plaid's Jonathan Edwards held Carmarthen East and Dinefwr with an increased majority with Labour's Calum Higgins only just beating the Tory candidate to come second.

Nia Griffith held on to Llanelli with Plaid's Vaughan Williams second, the result, in the end, was not as close as predicted. Tory Simon Hart was returned again for Carmarthen West and South Pembs and Libdem Mark Williams managed to fight off Plaid and hold on to Ceredigion.
The predicted rise in the UKIP vote did materialise but, overall, it doesn't look like they've made much of a dent into the political make-up of the UK.

In a nutshell, overall, the Tories did well and now have 11 seats in Wales, the Labour vote fell but retain 25 seats, and the Libdems were decimated just about everywhere. Plaid Cymru didn't make the gains they'd hoped for, for that matter had been expected from the momentum of the SNP and they stay on three seats.

It looks like Mr Cameron won't need the removal van after all and it'll be business as usual.

(Update 12:07: with the results now, in the Tories have clear, if small, majority. Nick Clegg has resigned as leader of the Libdems and it looks like Mr Miliband is just about to follow suit...and at 12:14, he did just that)

For more information on the general election result, there's plenty of it about. Here's the results for Carmarthenshire where the turnout averaged around 70% a slight drop from 2010;

Carmarthen East and Dinefwr;

Plaid Cymru: 15,140    Jonathan Edwards returned
Labour: 9,541
Conservative: 8,336
UKIP: 4,363
Green: 1091
LibDem: 928


Labour;  15,948   Nia Griffith returned
Plaid Cymru;  8,853
UKIP;  6,269
Conservative; 5,534
Liberal Democrat; 751
Green Party; 689
People First; 407
TUSC; 123

Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire;

Conservatives 17,626   Simon Hart returned
Labour 11,572
UKIP 4,698
Plaid Cymru 4201
Liberal Democrats 963
Green Party 1,290

1 comment:

  1. Still the same old scene. Disheartening and demotivating. I won't say disillusioning as my expectations were low (realistic). However I still managed to be disappointed. Will this mean that Carms County Farcical remains unchanged too?
