Monday 11 May 2015

Kevin Madge loses leadership challenge - updated...resigns as leader of the council

Update 12th May 16:00;
As per my last update, Kevin Madge has just issued a statement to say he has resigned as leader of Carmarthenshire Council. He will still be a councillor of course.

He thanked the Independent Group "most sincerely" folks for their "support and friendship" and "those people" in the Labour group who have supported him...and curse on all the houses of those who booted him out, I imagine.
He also thanks Mark James, the chief executive who, let's be honest, hasn't exactly done him any favours.

There is a full council meeting tomorrow (Wed) at 10am and the AGM, which will be interesting under present circumstances, is next Wednesday, the 20th May. The fur has definitely been flying.
(13th May; Kevin Madge did not attend today's meeting, unsurprisingly..)

The papers report that Jeff Edmunds has met with Mr James and also with Pam Palmer the 'leader' of the Independents. The Independents have also had a meeting to 'discuss their position' and the coalition.
Should be an interesting week.

Update 12th May 11;00;
It is understood that a change in leadership of the council can only happen if Kevin Madge resigns or a Motion calling for a change of leader is brought to full council, possibly at the AGM on the 20th May, if they're quick enough.
I would imagine the most painless and least embarrassing way for Kev to relinquish the crown would be to resign.
It will be interesting to see if there are any other nominations for leader aside from Jeff Edmunds....


Kevin Madge has been ousted as leader of the Labour group on Carmarthenshire County Council. In successful challenge this afternoon, Labour colleague Cllr Jeff Edmunds has replaced him following a secret ballot at the group's AGM.
Cllr Edmunds nomination as leader of Carmarthenshire Council will be considered at the council AGM on May 20th but his appointment is likely to be a formality.

As this challenge had been rumoured for some time, it was understood that Cllr Edmunds was not the preferred choice of Meryl, whose Independents are in coalition with Labour...
It will be interesting to see whether this prompts something of an Executive Board reshuffle or even a push for the top slot from the Independents.

Kevin Madge survived a council motion of no confidence in March 2014 in the aftermath of the pension and libel indemnity scandals in a tightly whipped vote. He had been on the executive board when the original unlawful decisions had been made and has continued to defend the indefensible at huge cost to the taxpayer.

Cllr Madge has been seen as weak and a puppet leader, remaining solidly under the influence of the chief executive and Meryl Gravell.  Combined with the negative effect his track record has had on the local Labour doorstep, he has now failed to win the confidence of even his own party.

How 'Psychic' Jeff Edmunds will fare however, remains to be seen....


  1. A bit like rearranging the deckchairs I'm afraid.

    Unless and until the Carmarthenshire group start behaving like a Labour Party I will have no faith in them And will not vote for them.

    Welsh Labour need to take note also - there are more elections to WAG next year and sutely the will want to do better than the gen election.

    I'm absolutely positive that the behaviour of Kev in getting too close to the indies and to the CE has affected how people voted in the election. if certainly did affect how I voted !!

  2. Perhaps it will empower others to take the lead and make a few changes.

  3. Its a stat at least. james next pleas.... Followed by meryl grovel & 'patsy' palmer too.

  4. @Anon 18:55

    I agree.
    There's also the cash factor - the position of leader is worth £48k per year, deputies £31k and Exec Board members £29k. Not to be sniffed at in the scramble for power.

    Kevin Madge was less than inspiring but Jeff Edmunds? As a clairvoyant he should at least be able to communicate with some of the backbenchers...

  5. When things really get moving hopefully there will be a clean sweep of all councillors who treat the council chamber as somewhere to go on a day out.
