Thursday 14 May 2015

Statement from Cllr Sian Caiach

Statement on the Plaid/Independent deal from unaffiliated Carmarthenshire County Councillor, Sian Caiach:

"I'm instinctively very disappointed with Emlyn Dole going into coalition with the Affiliated Independents because they are right wing and so heavily implicated in many of the poor decisions made by the Council including the two unlawful payments to the chief executive. However, I trust he is his own man and will not pay for the support of the Affiliated Independents with collusion to hide the mistakes of the past.

"It  may be that Emlyn Dole is looking to finally open up the council to open and public scrutiny, starting with the well known recent cases of apparently gross mismanagement and/or victimisation. He has set great store on CCC becoming an open and transparent council and he should start by examining these cases which appear to be examples of past bad practice .

"I trust he will have a sympathetic ear to those who were whistle blowers in the Council organisation and had their careers destroyed. I also expect him to acknowledge the sewage pollution  in the Burry Inlet and co operate with the case against the UK for breach of the Urban Waste Water habitat directive in the European Court.

"I wish the new administration well and sincerely hope that they can turn the "Government of Camarthenshire" into something we can all be proud of. 
Sian Caiach 

Further thoughts from Sian Caiach on the new arrangements can be found here; A bonfire of the vanities

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