Friday 31 July 2015

Council's Support Grant failures - in the press

Further to my post last week concerning the long-running failure and mismanagement of Carmarthenshire Council's Supporting People grant, it is good to see that the Carmarthenshire Herald;

and the Western Mail have covered this story;

I understand that Cllr Caiach is flagging this up with the Wales Audit Office before any past, er,  'discrepancies' are brushed under the Presidential Axminster at County Hall.

Again, this week's Herald reaches parts other papers don't and following on from their Parc Howard revelations, have dug deeper into the plans Mark and Meryl have for our county. The Cadno opinion piece continues the theme and considers the whole scenario with "Mark 'Blofield' James"..."stroking a shaved chihuahua" with "his very own Rosa Klebb, Meryl Gravell".
More on this early next week.

Meanwhile the Carmarthenshire and Llanelli Heralds are available throughout the county at the bargain price of 50p. I hope by now that County Hall have taken out a lifetime subscription to this excellent publication and that it is presented to Mr James, along with his organic Earl Grey, every Friday morning.

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