Sunday 6 September 2015

Carmarthenshire Council - Another six red cards

As I reported back in February, (see Six Red Cards) the claim, often made by our Glorious Leaders, past and present, that Carmarthenshire Council is the 'Best in Wales' and the envy of the western world continues to be something of a fantasy.

Data Unit Wales has just published it's latest Local Government Performance tables for 2014 -2015 and grades local authority performance and improvement by selecting twenty four specific areas of service (Indicators) for comparison.

Overall, for Carmarthenshire, the results are a mixed bag and can be best described as 'average', and certainly not the best in Wales. If the targets had included poor governance and corporate spin, then they'd have been out on top.

The council press office has already been at work trumpeting improved school attendance figures from Welsh Government data released last week. They are unlikely to trumpet this week's figures for delays over issuing Statements for Special Educational needs, in which they are bottom of the class;

There's has been another press fanfare this week over the Council's empty homes policy which has brought 135 homes back into use in the last year, this is good although disappointingly only a quarter of them were 'affordable'. But if this chart below is anything to go by, the fanfare should really go to Neath Port Talbot Council.

So, for the information which won't be available on the Council's 'Newsroom' website, Carmarthenshire has six red cards, and out of 22 local authorities is amongst the worst performing in the following;

Issuing final statement of Special Educational need within 26 weeks; 22nd (bottom of the league)

Adult social care clients supported in the community; 17th

Timely annual review of care plans; 20th

Delayed transfer of care ('bed-blocking'); 18th

Roads in overall 'poor' condition; 18th

Public participation in sports at local authority venues; 19th

A further five indicators are 'amber'.

A link to the full report can be found here.

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