Friday 15 April 2016

Caebrwyn under fire

(Later post, 13th May; Caebrwyn under fire - some updates)

I have received a letter from solicitors representing the chief executive of Carmarthenshire Council Mark James. The letter alleges that I have breached undertakings relating to Mr James' counterclaim for libel, made further to the trial in 2013, on this blog.

As I do not agree, the letter makes clear that the chief executive intends to return to the High Court and commence proceedings against me for contempt of court.

The letter also informs me that the chief executive has referred matters to the police and asked them to conduct an investigation with a view to considering criminal prosecution for harassment, relating to the blog. A matter I will also defend if necessary.

In addition, I've had a letter from the council asking me to accept that I owe £190,390 to the council, confirm that I am willing to pay, and set out how I propose to do so, within 14 days....

I have nothing further to add at the moment. 


  1. A police investigation would be yet another waste of public money. Stop this persecution!

  2. Jauqui I feel for you and the way our CCC has conspired to silence you & put a stop to your Blog! Such a County Council as ours cannot afford to allow the public to take an interest in actions they take that could be construed as being against the Public Interest. They cannot allow their actions to be transparent and open to comment. This new action against you proves this as the posts you make on your Blog informing us of what the CEO & the Executive is up to (all true as far as I can tell) is classed as a personal assault on the CEO himself allowing him (this time no doubt at his own expense) to try and involve the Court System once more. Plus we see he is involving the police (as he did over your filming the Council meeting) again; lets hope they realise they are being used to wrongly stifle someone's right to free speech & expression. Would it be possible to contact the police yourself to complain of his harassment towards you as a member of the public who's actions are breaking no law. Would this also be a matter you could take to the PSOW (he complained about Cllr Sian Caiach feeling she had spoken to him in a way offensive to his sensibilities)? Surely calling a member of the public a liar when in fact the boot was on the other foot should not be the action of a highly paid Officer in Public Office paid from the public purse. All I can think is he has an inbuilt hatred or/& fear of redhead women who display the courage of Bodica (is spelling right?)when they stand up for their rights and the public's right to know.

  3. Is one to presume that the Carmarthen taxpayers will be expected to fund any further court action ?

  4. Wow.. you must really be getting to him for this to happen.

    No doubt you have acted both within the law and with decorum so I'd be very interested to see how you can have breeched any undertaking. I imagine it would be very difficult to prove on his part. Given you have already indicated you have no funds to settle the existing judgment how does he think pursuing you further will help, apart from creating further debt to the council.

    Has the [religious] man no shame? Kicking someone when they are down. Words fail me.

    As for a police investigation for harassment via a blog, does he not realise this country has for some time now advocated free speech. He could very well be on thin ice for wasting police time, especially if his legal actions are being funded by the population of Carmarthenshire, funded via our taxes.

    Given the extensive financial cut backs the council has recently implemented surely he would be well advised not to take any kind of action unless if affected the council or county as a whole, rather than one person who seems to be offended by the fact that you provide a medium for those simply wishing to express their views.

    If that is the case, then I suggest mark james should quit politics and take up something less stressful.

  5. What a travesty - you have done nothing at all to warrant such terrible treatment. You didn't mug anyone or burgle someone's house - what you did was publicly spirited to forward democracy. It is shocking treatment by one man who is hell bent on revenge. You have kept your dignity he's lost his.

  6. Harassment? Whose harassing who?. You filmed a short piece of a public meeting, got arrested unlawfully for it,
    Mark James then libels your family on a blog, you naturally want an apology for that, he refuses, you take action rightly so, he then trawls through your blog and picks out a couple of (in my opinion harmless remarks) and uses them to counter sue. Your lawyers try to resolve matters to stop it going to court, he's having none of that, wants a fight, gets one and (unbelievably) wins. You face losing your home,but that is not enough for him. He wants revenge because you challenged him. He sends round bailiffs time and again knowing you dont have the money to pay. Now wants to make you suffer even more by attempting to get you arrested, oh, and have another day in court with you. I think that is harassment of the worst kind. Something very wrong with everything that's happened to you.

  7. The Council's actions appear to have been to shut you up, they have failed and now are showing signs of desperation.
    I think they are trying to make you bankrupt so as not to be able to stand for election. It is a pity that moral and intellectual bankruptcy can not be evaluated the same as financial bankruptcy -- as we would see a very different group of councillors, I think.

  8. This is a misuse of power. I am appalled. What a disgrace.

  9. There needs to be a vote of no confidence in mark james.

    Evidently he's lost grip on reality and cannot be considered fit for office any more. How anyone can treat people with such contempt is unforgivable.

    This must be the opportunity everyone has been waiting for to get rid of this dreadful shameless disgraceful excuse of a person. His track record is appalling and there are far too many questions about his character and performance.

    Something needs to be done to remove him asap.

    Time for action.

  10. All good supportive comments for Jacqui especially Anons (same person or different people?) 15,16,17/04/16 21:44 08:19 19:50. Does the other redhead who comes out fighting when Mark James tries to silence her intend to (if she were to become an AM) draw WAG's attention to the corrosive actions of Mark James 7 the executive? Cllr Sian Caiach has proved her inner strength & that she holds dear her public interest duties evidenced from actions she has taken in the past (see her campaign leaflet) and how she's tried to support/help her constituents when asked. Perhaps she would like to indicate, should she become an AM, what actions she'd be able to take to encourage WAG to start holding our Council accountable for past & present actions it's done/does against the public interest! In fact I personally would like to hear from all the candidates, not just "People First", what action they'd take should they be approached by their constituents regarding matters concerning Mark James & the executive members ignoring the wrongful actions of officers & members. I really would like to think our AMs will start taking the Carmarthenshire peoples concerns regarding our County Council seriously because if they don't who will?

  11. The man appears to be a god-bothering a******e, and I sincerely hope that he gets a spectacular come-uppance in due course. It's bound to happen, it's not as if one would have to look very hard to find where the bodies are likely buried, somebody surely just has to take a forensic spade to any of the many suspicious mounds of freshly turned earth that are covering so much of the landscape in plain sight... although perhaps whatever magic power he apparently has that renders him immune to any kind of scrutiny, accountability or justice will protect him into a well feathered retirement...
