Saturday 17 June 2017

Police summons

July 2nd 2017; Later post here, hearing is on the 13th July

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I have now been served with a written charge and postal requisition from Dyfed Powys Police to attend Llanelli Magistrates Court at the end of this month. However, a brief adjournment has been agreed as my legal representative is unavailable on that day. The hearing will be relisted  - probably for next month (July) and I will then confirm the date.
The notice tells me I am charged with one alleged offence of non-violent harassment of Mark James relating to several posts on this blog. The details will become apparent on due course should this matter progress to a trial.

I was interviewed under caution in March giving a brief prepared statement in my defence, followed by no comment responses to all the questions.

As I did not comment then, it would not be appropriate for me to comment in any detail now prior to prosecution proceedings but I will be strongly defending my position in this, as I have with everything else that has happened.
Given my knowledge of the content of the police questions, and amongst other things, I repeat what I said a couple of weeks ago; it's ridiculous, misconceived and misguided, on every level.


  1. I wont comment for obvious reasons, apart from what about the #daftarrest? I am reminded who was behind that and why. I think it should be raised in proceedings.Anyone agree?

  2. Anon 10:49 There are, potentially, numerous issues which could be raised. See comments on earlier blogpost here

  3. I can't decide whether this situation is Orwellian or straight out of Alice in Wonderland. Either way it's horrifyingly surreal.

  4. The police are partially financed by CCC, so its no suprise.


  5. This is preposterous. Please advise when this case comes to court. I for one will be there in protest and again hope to attend the hearing. As a rural councillor I shall wish to advise my fellow councillors on procedings.

  6. I am horrified to hear this . as a local community council I have been inundated with comtact from local residents regarding the way Jacqui has been treated. We have our meeting on Weds and this will be raised yet again.
    Many of us read this blog it keeps us informed and up to date in an honest and factual way unlike the local press in our opinion. We all share a joint responsibility to stand by Jacqui who has sought to improve our knowledge and challenge the powers that be.
    Where is Carmarthenshire County Council on this, to distance themselves by saying this is a personal private matter between two individuals is not an adequate response. I have no doubt that this case will,fail but when it does will questions be asked?
    There not doubt that many facts will be raised in the court which will not put the authority in a good light - again.
    We must all now put pen to paper, yet again, to our county councils and our MP and Assembly members.. A line should have been drawn under this long ago.
    Jacqui we your neighbours innthis great community are here for you and we know that support goes way beyond our small rural area.

  7. "Non-violent harassment", eh? I wonder if he'll try that with me?

  8. Re. Jac o' the North @ 19:31
    That wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, see:

  9. OMG yes - hilarious that link from Jac!
    I suspect though that Caebrwyn is the whipping boy for all the bold (and hilarious) bloggers who criticise Mark "Vinny" James. Easy pickings.
