Wednesday 7 August 2019

Wellness scandal - Mark James back in Private Eye

Further to my previous post on the University sackings, Mark James, and the police raids, here's the Rotten Boroughs column in this week's Private of the bill no less...

As usual, for more info and background to the Wellness scandal, and for Mr James' numerous previous appearances in Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs column, please search this blog.


  1. The only thing missing from this amusing summary is that the Rt Rev Two-barns and his cronies commissioned Mark James’ personal solicitors to produce a report which of course exonerated CCC of any wrongdoing or mismanagement.

    The Rt Rev continues to stick his head in the sand and insists everything at Delta Lakes is hunky-dory, no wonder that the recent WOA review of risk management at CCC found that “the Council has not developed procedures or guidelines setting out how risks should be defined, categorised, scored, recorded or mitigated.” -

  2. Anon 08:34

    Absolutely correct about the report from Mark James personal solicitors, Acuity Law, as I said here . And you'll also find that is was Mark James who did the 'commissioning'.

    The WAO report you link to also adds "We found that many risk control measures show zero per cent completion". Great.

  3. WalesOnline reports this afternoon that another suspended senior staff member at Swanea Uni, Steve Poole, has been sacked for gross misconduct. As with Clement and the ex-VC Davies, the sacking is linked to the Wellness scandal.
    Given the ongoing police investigation, the Uni will not be giving further comments for now.

    In Carmarthenshire, attention now shifts to the potential outcome of the police raids carried out at three addresses last week...

  4. I see, that as reported in today's (Aug. 9) Carmarthenshire Herald, police have executed search warrants at the the residence of our former (now retired) chief executive, Mark James, and at County Hall as part of their investigations into allegations of corruption involving Wellness Village and Delta Lakes. Is the net closing in and the noose tightening at long last? We can but hope...

  5. Karma is coming and there is going to be a direct hit of tons of .... at the rotary oscillator. Mark my words.

  6. Hats off to Jacquie, who deserves a medal and all her losses compensated by CCC.
