Wednesday 4 December 2019

Wellness scandal - bribery investigation - four suspects questioned by police

The organised crime squad Tarian, have said, in a statement issued today, that four people have been questioned as suspects in relation to the alleged bribery investigation over the proposed Wellness Village in Llanelli.

This is the police statement;

"Tarian, the Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU) for southern Wales, is continuing to investigate alleged offences following a complaint by Swansea University in respect of the Llanelli Wellbeing and Life Sciences Village.

"Four people have been interviewed as suspects, all of whom remain under investigation. Further enquiries as part of this complex investigation are ongoing.

"Extensive examination of a significant number of documents and electronic equipment, which were seized earlier this year, also continues."

You will recall that eight addresses were raided by the police at the end of July.

Those addresses included the homes of former CEO Mark James and Meryl Gravell.
County Hall was also raided.

The other addresses were almost certainly those individuals sacked from Swansea University, and the former director of the Council's private 'partner' Sterling Health in Kent.

The investigation relates to alleged bribery and corruption over the tender process for the Wellness Village.

As detailed on this blog, Mark James led and oversaw that very same tender process, which not only involved Sterling but it's previous incarnation as Kent Neurosciences.

The identities of the four suspects who have been questioned so far have not been released. However, as the statement says, the investigation is far from over.

WalesOnline report here

Please search this blog for all the background to the Wellness scandal. Any further updates will appear on this blog.


  1. I for one am surprised Rev Dole hasn't been suspended yet as his signature must be all over the documentation MJ was involved with. He's covered for him all the time he has been Leader. A disgraceful individual who doesn't know truth from fiction, he's spent so many years covering up the truth for favours. And Legal Linda come to that. They have been at Mark James' side all through the Wellness thingy!

  2. Karma is coming closer and closer. Perhaps those who dished out so much upon you and your family Jacqui will now begin to learn ( and hopefully experience) how you have suffered over many years at the sharp end. Revenge is a dish best served cold. May they, who deserve it, have very 'interesting' times ahead.


  3. If the procurement process is under scrutiny then the whole Council will be in the dock

    There are strict rules and regulations involved in giving out contracts especially if European money is involved

    There seems little info currently re the advertisement for a project director for the Swansea City Deal programme

    Did anyone apply ? Poison chalice !

  4. I have to say I'm incredibly surprised that there aren't commissioners in & all the drains at county hall up already...

  5. Not quite digging up the drains yet but, as I mentioned at the time, I understand that the police raid at County Hall on 31st July included a search and retrieval of deleted data in the server room...
    Computer equipment was also seized from the homes of the individuals raided on the same day. This included the homes of former CEO Mark James and former leader Meryl Gravell.

  6. I've heard that Mark James has been interviewed recently. Don't know if it was under caution tho. Still very much ongoing, and am most surprised that legal Linda and Rev Dole have not had their homes searched as they are both heavily involved in the conspiracies along with MJ

  7. I think the phrase you are looking for is "Not had their homes searched yet..."

    At the end of the day we need to be very careful about what we way, but they are certainly taking a while over this investigation.

    Personally, I suspect that might be a good thing...

  8. History tells us that the investigation will be 'ongoing' for several years [ongoing in a locked empty room with an inch of dust over the furniture & a phone that rings but is never answered] before being formally closed once everybody has lost interest or died of old age...

  9. @Ken, let's just hope that doesn't happen, the police are taking their time but at the moment I agree with Martin Milan, this might be a good thing and I have reason to believe that this is very much a live investigation.
    And I can wait....
    As I've already said, regardless of the outcome of this particular investigation, there have been plenty more scandals involving our Mr James and neither he, nor those who have covered his back, will get away with it.

  10. I just hope you're right, Jacqui, and that 2020 brings justice where it's sorely needed.
