Thursday 11 June 2015

Defending the unlawful payments - Invoices

For anyone interested in the breakdown of the £26,872 + VAT paid to Tim Kerr QC to defend the chief executive, senior officers and executive councillors, following the 2014 Wales Audit Office reports, please click on the images below.

You will recall that in the summer of 2013 the Appointed Auditor flagged up the unlawful payments with Carms and Pembrokeshire. Both councils immediately went on the defensive and commissioned legal help. Which didn't turn out to be very helpful after all. 
In addition to this are the illegal payments themselves totalling £57,000 received by the chief executive and £51,000 incurred by the council in extra audit fees. There are no cost figures for the colossal amount of the time the council itself spent on these matters.

Please note that Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire Councils went halves on the cost of defending their respective chief executive's 'pay supplement' (the pension scam) but Carmarthenshire also spent additional cash attempting to defend the libel indemnity. For clarity I've indicated the payments made solely by Carmarthenshire Council below the images, those figures do not include VAT, the invoices do.




'27 Nov to 27 Feb' and ' 27 Nov to 27 Feb 2'
27/11/2013  £3,600.00 
29/11/2013  £935.00 
31/01/2014  £800.00 
03/02/2014  £335.00 
04/02/2014  £1,200.00 
06/02/2014  £1,200.00 
09/02/2014  £1,600.00 
10/02/2014  £200.00 
11/02/2014  £1,000.00 
15/02/2014  £200.00 
20/02/2014  £135.00 
26/02/2014  £1,300.00 
26/02/2014  £167.80 
27/02/2014  £3,200.00     

'15 Nov to 26 Nov'
15/11/2013  £2,400.00 
18/11/2013  £800.00 
26/11/2013  £1,600.00

'27 Aug to 18 Sept'
27/08/2013  £4,400.00 
09/09/2013  £1,200.00 
18/09/2013  £200.00

'14,16 Oct'
14/10/2013  £200.00 
16/10/2013  £200.00

1 comment:

  1. I alao wrote about a KBW invoice paid by the local council I write about in a blog post headlined Why did Wirral Council spend an incredible £1872 on a London barrister to prevent openness and transparency?.

    Certainly KBW seem to be their legal firm of choice when they want to appeal an ICO decision notice to the First Tier Tribunal (Information Rights).

    I just thought you and you other readers might be interested in this other aspect of the work KBW do for local councils.
