Thursday 11 June 2015

Parc Howard update, and a video

Further to my previous post Parc Howard - for the people of Llanelli? the Llanelli Herald has today published a video which includes footage of the heated public meeting held last Saturday.

THE LLANELLI HERALD investigates the Parc Howard story [Alan Evans Reporting] from PEMBS.TV on Vimeo.

The video is well worth watching and concludes with an interview with County Councillor Bill Thomas (Lab) who has a very interesting document. The document, and indeed the video, raises the question of whether or not attempts have been made to circumvent the proper tendering process.

Pic source; Llanelli Herald. There does not appear to be a company called 'Loca Select Villages
Loca Ventures Ltd also claim, within this paperwork, to have already met with three senior officials of Carmarthenshire Council; the Head of Corporate Property, the Assistant Chief Executive and the Chief Executive about the financial investment and a 250 year lease on Parc Howard mansion.

The video can also be accessed on the Llanelli Herald Facebook page here.

Llanelli MP Nia Griffith has launched a petition to keep Parc Howard in public ownership. Reaching over 1000 signatures in just two days, it can be signed here.

Update 14th June; Article in the Llanelli Herald; Llanelli;Residents up in arms over Parc Howard development.


  1. Hmmm, don't necessarily believe all you hear from " developers" - do your homework on them ... and their previous "developments" - paying special attention to those that exist only on paper - it's amazing how many developers never actually develop anything, just relying on "uplift" increases to fund further loans. Not saying, of course, that this necessarily applies here ...

  2. Anon 17:45
    Quite right anon, always approach with caution.
    Just for the record I have been doing my homework on them...

  3. I have just "googled" Loca Ventures Ltd. Some very interesting details come to light, and having read sdome of the information, I wouldn't touch this outfit with a (very long) bargepole - just look up its accounts...and after what I have seen

  4. Keep Googling. The more you Google the more interesting they get.
