Thursday 5 September 2013

Caerphilly council fraud investigation continues

As this blog has followed the continuing investigation into Caerphilly Council's Chief Executive Anthony O'Sullivan and his acting successor, Nigel Barnett, the latest news, such as it is, is that both have had their bail renewed. Avon and Somerset Police have not yet concluded their investigations and it remains to be seen whether the pair will be charged with fraud and misconduct in public office.

To refresh your memory, Caerphilly's Chief Executive was suspended after a Wales Audit Office report found that a pay rise for himself and other senior officers was unlawful. After a relatively brisk investigation the WAO found that the circumstances surrounding the meeting where the pay rises were approved were far from above board and therefore the awards were unlawful. The Chief Executive not only had input into the report awarding himself the cash but he did not declare a financial interest nor recuse himself from the meeting, which hadn't been advertised either.

Both men were arrested in July. This saga also put pressure on  the Welsh Government to make a significant u-turn and require Senior officers pay to be set by an independent panel rather than leaving it to the local council itself.

(please use searchbox for previous posts on this blog)


Anonymous said...

Talking of investigations, the Charity commission is investigating the finances of a few evangelical churches

Maybe they would be interested in taking a look at Carmarthenshire?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely take a look.About time someone does.

Patricia B. said...

Couldn't agree more! Minister for local government Lesley Griffiths requested more information from me and then asked another department to respond, referring me back to CCC the very authority/department I am wanting to meet with her to discuss. Unbelievable. Well I have to now presume the information/truth she requested frightens her. These are the behaviours of those who are afraid to face genuine facts, as action would become the next step!!! She may not wish to meet with me, but I still do wish to meet with her. CCC is in dire need of investigation.