Thursday 6 October 2011

Councillors warned for trying doing their job

Disturbing news has reached me that an attempt is being made to restrict the actions of a tiny minority of county councillors who are becoming more vocal in challenging the undemocratic way this council is run. They have recognised, and tried to stand up for what they believe is right. Also the press seemed to have received a copy of this letter (below) before Cllr Caiach, and the first she knew about it was when a reporter phoned this morning and asked her for a comment. Arthur Davies had not been sent a copy despite featuring in the letter and listed as a recipient. He had to go to County Hall to get one.
I have been asked to reproduce the letter which I am happy to do as it is widely believed by those who know the two councillors concerned to be an unwarranted step to prevent them questioning procedure and representing the wider concerns of all residents of the county.

Cllr Caiach has stated;

"For information, the time the Chief Executive reported Arthur Davies to the ombudsman [2005 ish] was for the offence of speaking on a planning issue while unaware that his brother in law had written a letter of objection - at that time he needed to check all objections for people he knew. This, under the new rules would probably not be regarded as prejudicial.
It is true that I recently asked the new acting head of the legal department what her legal qualifications were, She has not replied.
What sort of democracy is it when an unelected officer arranges total supervision of our contact with all council officers and appoints himself as arbiter of what he will allow us to do and has restricted the actions of 2 councillors and their ability to represent their electorate"

I am sure there will be plenty of comment but I would just like to add that if these two councillors are really using up more officer time than the remaining 71 put together, then, to my mind, it begs the question as to what exactly the other 71 are doing?

Must just add this excellent post from Y Cneifiwr on the many changes to Carmarthenshire's Constitution and the erosion of democracy; Tweaking the Rules - Subversive Questions  (with the next batch of 'amendments' coming up for approval at next Wednesday's full council meeting) ...

Update 10th October;


Tom said...

The other 71 are most likely doing exactly the same as our councillor, doing nothing but taking the money....

Anonymous said...

in English of course!

Anonymous said...

I am not at all surprised at the slurs and innuendos written into this letter to Cll. Caiach, as this is how dictatorship works. In order to prevent being questioned, we first have to make sure that good reputations are tarnished by using defamatory language, exaggerating minor misdemeanors and in our particular case, telling blatant untruths. The public are treated with precisely the same method being used against Cll. Caiach by using the councils most potent weapon to silence justified criticism, their 'Persistent Complainants Policy'. This policy allows the Chief Executive and his officers to totally ignore all further correspondence, leaving the person who desperately needs help, ostracised!! The wording of this letter to Cll. Caiach has rings of the P.C.P., is exceedingly worrying, and should be a signal to the Ministers sitting in Cardiff Bay to explore what is happening in this corner of Wales that time and humanity has forgotten

Photon said...

Indeed Jacqui and Tom. For 2 people to outstrip 71 - if it is true - then those 71 must be doing very little indeed.

Has Mark James heard about democracy? It's time Carl Sargeant started to look at commissioners for Carms.

This is no way to run a public authority. It's also yet again an example of words bordering on the libellous.

Anonymous said...

Would be a good idea to redact Cllr Caiach's home address, for privacy reasons.

Cneifiwr said...

Of course we have to be careful in situations like this because we have not seen all of the correspondence or been privy to all the conversations, but one thing that strikes me again and again when reading communications from the chief executive is how extraordinarily angry and spiteful they are. And whatever the rights and wrongs, Mark James lets himself down and undermines his case by being less than honest, smearing people who disagree with him with half-truths or exaggerated claims.

Tactics such as these are unworthy at both a professional and personal level.

caebrwyn said...

@anonymous Have now redacted. Cllr addresses are available elsewhere so hadn't considered. Point taken.

A watcher said...

Mark James works for the council, the council is run by councillors, if Mark James is unhappy with a councillor tough, many workers are unhappy with the criticism they receive from their bosses. This is a clear case of the tail trying to wag the dog. Something that is made easier when a large part of the dog is willing to be wagged. Wake up 69 councillors and get a grip of one of the worse councils in the country.

Tessa said...

Well, its just like George Orwell's quote down the right hand side of your blog, isn't it? Or certainly an attempt.

Alice in Blunderland said...

Isnt it time that they stopped slumbering down there in The Bay and started sorting out our CEOs problem? Some Councils have had outside intervention yet others are allowed to carry on.

Is there some political face saving going on in Wales because it seems some are more touchable than others. I would hope not but it makes you wonder.People are sick of CEO-itis ( arrogance, Orwellian antics etc) who do these people think they are? Wales is a laughing stock through its Rotten Boroughs and rightly so.For the sake of ordinary people and struggling Councillors trying to do their jobs something needs to be sorted out.Labour run Wales and the local elections are next year.They might like to think on that.Lessons will be taught at Ballot boxes.

Anonymous said...

Wiltshire cc have done the right thing getting rid of their chief exc and reduced the directors to 3