Wednesday 21 December 2011

Private Eye - Hat trick for Carmarthenshire Council!

THIRD appearance this year for Carmarthenshire County Council in Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs. They must be so proud!

And congrats to @_MrMustard and @BrokenBarnet for holding the London Borough of Barnet to account. And of course South Tyneside Council for expensively trying to identify elusive blogger, Mr Monkey.

I must also thank my local paper, the Carmarthen Journal and reporters @AlexMurraySmith and @DConnopPrice for following events of this year, and for a mention in 'Review of 2011' in today's edition.

Private Eye 2011;


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it is not just the law/libel action, members of the public are threatened with. They have a much more sinister string to their bow, which is not really talked about; their 'Persistent Complainers Policy' which is abused in order, not only to discredit, but to completely prevent any form of communication.

Cneifiwr said...

Bet that's one award they won't mention at the next meeting of the full council.

Perhaps Private Eye could be persuaded to come up with some sort of gong (a rotten apple with maggots peeping out or a turd on a stick) that could be presented to councils to sit proudly alongside all of the quango awards in the corporate display cabinets.

Anonymous said...

me and hislop go back a few years, I owe him one!