Sunday, 22 May 2011

Proof Reader Required and more on the Council Rag

Carmarthenshire Council really do not inspire faith when it comes to their accuracy at reporting figures, or at least they need to improve on the proof-reading before documents go online. I noticed a rather worrying slip up in part of the March progress report (Regeneration & Leisure Committee 23rd May) for the 'Collaborative Communities' scheme which has a short paragraph of impressive numbers, sadly it ends with the sentence " - these figs don't make sense?" Oh dear.
And just in case it get's edited out;

Neither can I quite understand why, in the same document, the 'Ammanford Tesco Extension' should be part of the Council's Grand Plan either, didn't they just granted planning permission to a private company? - hardly counts as Council-led regeneration surely. An additional inaccuracy could lead to disappointment if anyone turns up at the Towy Community Church Excel project for a game of evangelical ten-pin bowling as the report is written in the past tense as an 'achievement'; the report was written in March and the latest funding instalment from the Council was not approved until May, as the project is still in the design stage, aren't they're jumping the gun a bit - let's hope all of the other Council's claims of job creation, safe guarding etc are not also based on such premature and inaccurate over excitement.

Can't let the exciting arrival of my 'Carmarthenshire News' go un-commented-on. I mentioned the 're-branding' of the council rag 'Community News' earlier this year and the fact that the Council have now roped in various other cash-strapped Carmarthenshire organisations to contribute to this esteemed publication. It has rather a misleading headline on the front page, which may worry our local independent press; 'New Look for County Newspaper' (surely it should be Council not County?!) It definitely now has all the appearance of a newspaper (circa 1952) but sadly and predictably, and perhaps to the relief of the local newspapers, actually contains no news at all.
The hamster cage awaits.


Lliedi said...

How much does the Spin Department cost the tax payer each year? How much has that gone up since Despot James took over?

I’m sure the money could be better spent broadcasting council meetings…

Photon said...

Ah, I did enjoy that post. Very good...