Tuesday 7 March 2017


17th March; A brief update, following the police interview here

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As readers are aware I will be fighting to keep my home in the County Court on the 23rd March. Chief executive Mark James has applied to force sale.

In addition, Dyfed Powys Police phoned me on Sunday to inform me that Mr. James has made a complaint of alleged harassment, relating to the blog, for the second time. I do not know the details yet.
I have no further comment until, and if, matters progress. I am due to be formally questioned on 16th March. If I didn't agree to go voluntarily, I was told I would have been arrested.

Carmarthenshire County Cllr Sian Caiach has tweeted this morning that Mr James has reported her to the Ombudsman; "Have been informed Mr Mark James made complaints against me to ombudsman and he will investigate 5. All code of conduct, no details"

Mr James is clearly a busy man.

8th March; Cneifiwr: Lumpy carpets - Part one


Anonymous said...

This man James is clearly out of control and thrives on mental torture.It is a damning indictment on councillors who allow him his power.I do not know and have never known a CEO with such power together with an extreme vindictive nature.

Ken Haylock said...

'Busy man' is not the way I would have ended that sentence, I have to say...

Anonymous said...

What on earth is wrong with this man?? Bizarre behaviour!!

Anonymous said...

Keep going Jacqui.

Anonymous said...

I hope you will have a Solicitor with you for the interview.

caebrwyn said...

Anons 13:09 and 14:37
Yes I will

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Never forget Jacqui you have the moral high ground.

Mrs Angry said...

I am so sorry that you are being subjected to so much pointless, unnecessary distress, Jacqui. But you know you have the support of thousands of decent people who are appalled by what is happening to you.

Anonymous said...

Looks very much as though the CEO and his councillors are the ones doing the harassing. An army against one defenceless individual - cowardly in the extreme and shocking. The most decent and hard working of councillors, Sian Caiach, comes under attack again. If more councillors were of her calibre these many terrible injustices just wouldn't be happening. If other councillors spoke out as she does she wouldn't always be the one to come under fire from a bullying CEO. For goodness sake councillors show your support for your fellow councillor and stand up to this vindictive bully.

Anonymous said...

Pity, you should have refused to attend and let them arrest you. Then, when there is nothing to be found you could have sued them for false arrest and james for harassment.

He's reported a councillor too? For what exactly?

Geez, he'll be reporting me next for avoiding the cracks in the pavement or potholes on the road. OH hang on, the latter is impossible, theres no money in the coffers, its all gone. On legal fees....

Are the wheels coming off at deathstar HQ ????

Anonymous said...

Words fail me that this man is once again trying to enlist the Police to do his dirty work, especially when it was found last time that there was no case to answer. Should that finding be repeated, I hope someone from the Constabulary will take a moment to explain to Mr. James that this sort of behaviour is really not acceptable, and that perhaps it’s continuance might not be entirely without consequence…

Hang in there Jacqui – you’re in the right and everyone knows it. EVERYONE. Even the cowards in County Hall who lack the gumption and moral fibre to stand up and do something about this man.

As for the complaint against Sian Caich, well that will presumably just mean the Ombudsman hearing her side of the story, clearing her entirely, and explaining to Mr. James that he really ought to have somewhat of a thicker skin in his role – indeed that his role REQUIRES him to be subject to the scrutiny of elected members. Whilst they’re about it, perhaps they could look into why he has yet again pulled this stunt just before the election – when he presumably calculates he can do Sian the most harm, or perhaps rely upon the shield of purdah…

Someone needs to point out that this is not the sort of conduct that we expect from the Chief Executive of a County Council, and sure has hell now what we expect from the Returning Officer for the election… If he can’t perform his current role without the proper respect for either the public or our elected representatives, perhaps the time has come when he should consider some other line of work...

Teifion said...

We know Mr James won an "award" from Private Eye , the satirical magazine for his behaviour in this sad story.

Why cannot Dyfed Powys Police at least appear to be less partisan in the matter as their behaviour to my mind really doesn't help their image ?

Keanjo said...

Would anyone care to join the MJf fan club ?.Good luck in court Jacqui.

Unknown said...

What an opportunity for Sian to talk to the Obdudsman.
Oh to be a fly on that wall.
Totally unnecessarily action by the CEO. I read this blog as do many and I have seen nothing that warrants such an act, particularly when you consider some of the tweets, blogs and posts on SM that have been reported to the police, inclufimg fakes, that have not been acted on.
There are people who are mercilessly hounded by racism, sexism and hate speech. That's where our enemies should be going. Building hope not hate.

Unknown said...

Found this http://www.inbrief.co.uk/offences/wasting-police-time/ Time Dyfed Powys charged & fined him for wasting police time. It wld be a CPS decision. Who's harassing who? Plus he is again pathetically trying to silence Cllr Sian Ciaich through Ombudsman another kind of harassment against people who are not bowing down before him and his Executive supporters. Pity others he silences didn't have more backbone and spoke up in the Public's Interest. This man and the CCC Executive have no shame in how low they'll stoop to punish dissent and genuine critical political comment. His second go at Sian through Ombudsman and the second go at our very brave blogger(you) through the Dyfed Powys Police. He and the Executive are hell bent on exacting their pound of flesh. I hope some of your other supporters are able to go along on 23rd March 10:30 at Carmarthen County Court Picton Terrace just to show how much we value you and your blog. Best wishes.