Tuesday 22 April 2014

The webcasting pilot - 26,420 total views

Next Monday's Executive Board meeting features the summary of the twelve month webcasting pilot. A resounding success I'm sure you will agree. The figures for live and archived views are detailed in the report, they total 4520 for live views and 21,900 for the archived meetings.

The options put forward are to continue with the webcasting for at least another three years (there are funds remaining from the Welsh Government grant to put towards the contract) or to discontinue with the webcasts.
I cannot imagine they will opt for the latter. I hope not anyway.
As for rolling the webcasts out to other open meetings, it doesn't look promising at the moment but I'm sure they will welcome interested members of the public filming or recording meetings on their own devices with open arms. After all, the Welsh Government are 'encouraging' it, and we know how much notice they take of them.....

Also included on the agenda are two items which unravelled out of the budget decisions; the decision to defer the increases in sports charges and fees whilst further consultation takes place, and the six month deferment of the axing of paid Trade Union secondments. Both being evidential of the inadequacy of the budget consultation process in the first place.

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