Tuesday 17 February 2015

Local Authority Performance - six red cards for Carmarthenshire

The latest stats for Local Authority Performance 2013 -14 have just been published by the Welsh Governmet and like the recent traffic light bandings for education; red, amber and green are used to denote top middle or bottom ranking.

The report can be found here in full and covers various services as key pointers to provide overall comparison. Carmarthenshire council hasn't done very well. Out of nineteen 'markers', six are in the red, nine are in the average amber and only a paltry four merit a green badge.

If matters of governance and undemocratic and unlawful behaviour had been included, the council would have gone off the scale...

Before the council's Ministry of Spin get hold of the data, it's worth mentioning the six which appear in the red, the figures are the position of Carmarthenshire Council out of the 22 local authorities;

Delayed transfer of care for social care reasons; 18th

Looked after young people with three or more placements; 20th

Secondary school attendance; 20th

Delivery of Affordable housing units - 21st

Days to deliver disability grants; 20th

Roads in poor condition; 20th


towy71 said...

Delivering satisfaction to the electorate -20
Deliverance of Buggin's turn 100%
Legal chicanery kerrrchinggggg
Believability 0%

My name is Dick Bain sue me!

Anonymous said...

Were there no stats produced on the CCC's following of policies in regard to their handling of COMPLAINTS and whistleblowing DISCLOSURES? WAG is well aware of the views of whistleblowers and complainants. But of course if WAG only go by the CCC statistics they will be unaware how many whistleblowing complaints there have been as the CCC do not record all such complaints as whistleblowing. Administration and Law mislead the Standards Committee Chair (overseer of how W/B and the Complaints policies are working) as to the amount of whistleblowing having taken place.
The present Chair has been made aware of one occasion when the Chair was misled and has not felt this important enough to question.

WAG's own statutory guidance is not being followed yet WAG will not involve itself or the WAO in what concerns RISK Management (an Audit matter).

Unless other LAs act in this way the CCC should be placed last and definitely found wanting. But maybe WAG prefers not to measure the satisfaction rate with the handling of these two very important policies for some reason.

Jennifer Brown (whistleblower)