Tuesday 17 March 2015

Sian Caiach - Candidate for Llanelli

As I said back in January Carmarthenshire County Councillor Sian Caiach is standing for Llanelli in the general election on May 7th. She is standing under the 'People First' banner.
True to the party title, Sian is asking the people what they want and what is important to them, and has issued the following press release;

People First promise to consult on all issues whenever possible before making decisions of your behalf. We have compiled a questionnaire based on the issues which were raised the most by you on the doorstep. We will try to get as many filled as possible both my our canvassers and by voters filling it in online at www.peoplefirstwales.org.uk or we will send paper copies out on request through the contact links on the website.

The results will guide our policies. Other political groups decide their policies first and then try to get them accepted by the voters. We feel that it should be the other way round!
The questions refer to both local  issues as well as Welsh and UK ones. We will also be interested in taking some smaller samples from neighbouring areas to see if there are any major differences, for instance between Llanelli and the Carmarthen seats. 
Our candidate, Sian Caiach, is our first Parliamentary Candidate and we hope to eventually field many.more candidates.We would actually like every candidate to consult locally and represent their areas based on local needs.This doesn't fit in with the "one size fits all" policy of the big parties. We are committed to the best quality of representation of the voters and believe that they must be asked to find out what they want.   The results of this poll will be published in April.

In the meantime we will collect as many opinions as possible. We are interested in all responses, whether you intend to vote for us or not.

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